Olivia Campbell

Carnivorous plants: care and types

The care of carnivorous plants is usually a great enigma because their characteristics are hardly known. If we ask ourselves where carnivorous plants live, they are rare in temperate zones, Europe and Africa . On the contrary, tropical climates are preferred by these plant species. In fact, they abound in areas like America, Asia or Australia . These plants arouse great…

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12 Things in Our Homes Guests Will Notice Even If They Choose to Remain Silent

A lot of people associate guests’ visits with deep cleaning. We mop the floors, clean windows and mirrors, get rid of dust, and give a perfect look to our house. But some little things in our homes can impress guests more than the mess and the traces of cobwebs on the ceiling. Leaving your TV on © Andre Chinn / Flickr, © CC BY 2.0 Many of us are…

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12 Unique Household Items That Can Find a Place in Any Home

We do many chores the way we’ve gotten used to doing them, despite the inconveniences they may cause, and never think about finding simpler ways of getting things one. But funnily enough, you don’t have to make significant changes in your home or use complicated appliances. You can easily get these chores done with a handful of simple household items. Silicone washing gloves © Depositphotos.com, © Amazon.com Kitchen sponges quickly deteriorate,…

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